



韦    阳
职       称:助理研究员
电       话:021-34208535


2021年博士毕业于中国农业大学,2020年至2021年受国家留学基金委公派至英国利兹大学联合培养,2021年至2023年于pg电子官方网站 进行博士后研究。主要致力于茶叶天然活性成分功能与应用、茶与食品加工及质量控制、食品胶体结构设计与营养递送等领域研究,已发表SCI论文50余篇,近五年来以第一作者在Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food SafetyFood HydrocolloidsJournal of Colloid and Interface ScienceFood ChemistryFood Research InternationalJAFC等一区权威期刊发表论文30余篇,高被引论文6篇,被引2400余次,申请国家发明专利2项,参编中英文著作2部。主持或参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目10余项。入选2021年上海市超级博士后奖励计划和2022年国家博士后创新人才支持计划,曾获Elsevier全球前2%顶尖科学家(World’ s Top 2% Scientists 2022)2021年全球食品学科Top100高产作者等荣誉,担任多个国际同行评审期刊学术编辑、专刊编委和审稿人。
(1) 2021-07  2023-08, pg电子官方网站 ,pg电子娱乐平台 ,食品科学,博士后
(2) 2016-08  2021-06, 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,食品科学博士;
(3) 2020-01  2021-02, 英国利兹大学食品科学与营养学院,食品科学联合培养博士
1. 国家博士后创新人才支持计划(BX20220201),茶叶中不同天然活性成分调控睡眠的分子机制及协同增效研究(主持).
2. 国家十四五重点研发计划食品制造与农产品物流科技支撑项目子课题(2022YFD2101104),高品质茶提取物加工智能化控制关键技术研发(主持).
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2021M702140),基于茶多糖/茶褐素与氟相互作用调控氟消化吸收代谢的机制研究(主持).
4. 上海市超级博士后奖励计划(2021224),茶氨酸、咖啡碱和茶多酚协同影响睡眠的分子机制及构效关系研究(主持).
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32172223),藏茶茶褐素与牛乳蛋白的相互作用及其增强骨骼肌功能的机制研究(参与)
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31871842),玉米醇溶蛋白/藻酸丙二醇酯/小分子乳化剂三元复合胶体颗粒稳定β-胡萝卜素Pickering乳液机理研究(参与)
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31972073),油凝胶调控功能因子溶解度、稳定性和释放的机制研究(参与)
8. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(31701648),乳状液填充蛋白质凝胶微结构设计与不同极性复合食品功能因子传递研究(参与)
9. “十三五国家重点研发计划项目茶叶产品质量安全控制技术及健康功能评价应用示范2018YFC1604400)(参与)
10. “十三五国家重点研发计划项目现代饮料高速灌装加工技术及成套装备开发2018YFD0400900)(参与)
1.    Wei, Y., Xu, J., Miao, S., Wei, K., Peng, L., Wang, Y., Wei, X.* (2022) Recent advances in the utilization of tea active ingredients to regulate sleep through neuroendocrine pathway, immune system and intestinal microbiota, Critical reviews in Food science and nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022. 
2.    Wei, Y., Wang, C., Liu, X., Mackie, A., Dai, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2022). Co-encapsulation of curcumin and β-carotene in Pickering emulsions stabilized by complex nanoparticles: Effects of microfluidization and thermal treatment. Food Hydrocolloids, 122, 107064.
3.    Wei, Y., Liu, Z., Guo, A., Mackie, A., Zhang, L., Liao, W., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Zein Colloidal Particles and Cellulose Nanocrystals Synergistic Stabilization of Pickering Emulsions for Delivery of beta-Carotene. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(41), 12278–12294.
4.    Wei, Y., Zhang, L., Liao, W., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Mackie, A., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Enhanced stability and controlled gastrointestinal digestion of β-carotene loaded Pickering emulsions with particle–particle complex interfaces. Food & Function, 12(21), 10842–10861.
5.    Wei, Y., Zhou, D., Yang, S., Dai, L., Zhang, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Gao, Y.,* & Mackie, A. (2021). Development of β-carotene loaded oil-in-water emulsions using mixed biopolymer-particle-surfactant interfaces. Food & Function, 12(7), 3246–3265. 
6.    Wei, Y., Guo, A., Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Liao, W., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Mackie, A., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Development of curcumin loaded core-shell zein microparticles stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals and whey protein microgels through interparticle interactions. Food & Function, 12(15), 6936–6949. 
7.    Wei, Y., Guo, A., Liu, Z., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Gao, Y.,* & Mackie, A. (2021). Structural design of zein-cellulose nanocrystals core – shell microparticles for delivery of curcumin. Food Chemistry, 357(17), 129849.
8.    Wei, Y., Zhou, D., Mackie, A., Yang, S., Dai, L., Zhang, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Stability, Interfacial Structure, and Gastrointestinal Digestion of β-Carotene-Loaded Pickering Emulsions Co-stabilized by Particles, a Biopolymer, and a Surfactant. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69(5), 1619–1636. 
9.    Wei, Y., Wang, C., Liu, X., Liao, W., Zhang, L., Chen, S., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Effects of microfluidization and thermal treatment on the characterization and digestion of curcumin loaded protein–polysaccharide–tea saponin complex nanoparticles. Food & Function, 12(3), 1192–1206. 
10.   Wei, Y., Tong, Z., Dai, L., Ma, P., Zhang, M., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2020). Novel colloidal particles and natural small molecular surfactants co-stabilized Pickering emulsions with hierarchical interfacial structure: Enhanced stability and controllable lipolysis. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 563, 291–307.
11.   Wei, Y., Li, C., Zhang, L., Dai, L., Yang, S., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Mackie, A., & Gao, Y.* (2020). Influence of calcium ions on the stability, microstructure and in vitro digestion fate of zein-propylene glycol alginate-tea saponin ternary complex particles for the delivery of resveratrol. Food Hydrocolloids, 106(17), 105886. 
12.   Wei, Y., Li, C., Dai, L., Zhang, L., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Mackie, A., & Gao, Y.* (2020). The construction of resveratrol-loaded protein-polysaccharide-tea saponin complex nanoparticles for controlling physicochemical stability and: In vitro digestion. Food & Function, 11(11), 9973–9983. 
13.   Wei, Y., Tong, Z., Dai, L., Wang, D., Lv, P., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2020). Influence of interfacial compositions on the microstructure , physiochemical stability , lipid digestion and β-carotene bioaccessibility of Pickering emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 104(17), 105738. 
14.   Wei, Y., Wang, C., Liu, X., Mackie, A., Zhang, L., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2020). Impact of microfluidization and thermal treatment on the structure , stability and in vitro digestion of curcumin loaded zein-propylene glycol alginate complex nanoparticles. Food Research International, 138(PB), 109817.
15.   Wei, Y., Yang, S., Zhang, L., Dai, L., Tai, K., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., Gao, Y.,* & Mackie, A. (2020). Fabrication, characterization and in vitro digestion of food grade complex nanoparticles for co-delivery of resveratrol and coenzyme Q10. Food Hydrocolloids, 105(17), 105791. 
16.   Wei, Y., Zhan, X., Dai, L., Zhang, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2021). Formation mechanism and environmental stability of whey protein isolate-zein core-shell complex nanoparticles using the pH-shifting method. LWT, 139, 110605. 
17.   Wei, Y., Yu, Z., Lin, K., Yang, S., Tai, K., Liu, J., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2020). Fabrication, Physicochemical Stability, and Microstructure of Coenzyme Q10 Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Resveratrol-Loaded Composite Nanoparticles. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68(5), 1405–1418. 
18.   Wei, Y., Sun, C., Dai, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2019). Novel Bilayer Emulsions Costabilized by Zein Colloidal Particles and Propylene Glycol Alginate, Part 1: Fabrication and Characterization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(4), 1197–1208. 
19.   Wei, Y., Sun, C., Dai, L., Mao, L., Yuan, F., & Gao, Y.* (2019). Novel Bilayer Emulsions Costabilized by Zein Colloidal Particles and Propylene Glycol Alginate. 2. Influence of Environmental Stresses on Stability and Rheological Properties. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67(4), 1209–1221. 
20.   Wei, Y., Yu, Z., Lin, K., Sun, C., Dai, L., Yang, S., Gao, Y.* (2019). Fabrication and characterization of resveratrol loaded zein-propylene glycol alginate-rhamnolipid composite nanoparticles: Physicochemical stability, formation mechanism and in vitro digestion. Food Hydrocolloids, 95, 336–348.
21.   Wei, Y., Zhang, L., Yu, Z., Yang, S., Dai, L., Gao, Y.* (2019). Enhanced stability, structural characterization and gastrointestinal digestion of coenzyme Q10 loaded ternary nanoparticles. Food Hydrocolloids, 94, 333–344. 
22.   Wei, Y., Sun, C., Dai, L., Zhan, X., & Gao, Y.* (2018). Structure, physicochemical stability and in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion properties of β-carotene loaded zein-propylene glycol alginate composite nanoparticles fabricated by emulsification-evaporation method. Food Hydrocolloids, 81, 149–158. 
23. Wei, Y., Pang, Y., Ma, P., Miao, S., Xu, J., Wei, K., Wang, Y., & Wei, X.* (2023). Green preparation, safety control and intelligent processing of high-quality tea extract. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2023.2239348.
24.   Miao, S.,# Wei, Y.,# Pan, Y., Wang, Y., Wei, X.* (2023) Detection methods, migration patterns and health effects of pesticide residues in tea. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.13167.
25.   Xu, J.,# Wei, Y.,# Huang, Y., Wei, X.* (2023) Regulatory effects and molecular mechanisms of tea and its active compounds on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.2c07702.
26.   Xu, J.,# Wei, Y.,# Li, F., Weng X., Wei, X.* (2023) Regulation of fungal community and the quality formation and safety control of Pu-erh tea. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.13051. 
27.   Miao, S.,# Wei, Y.,# Chen, J., Wei, X.* (2022) Extraction methods, physiological activities and high value applications of tea residue and its active components: A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2099343.
28.   Xu, J.,# Wei, Y.,# Huang, Y., Weng, X., Wei, X.* (2022) Current understanding and future perspectives on the extraction, structures and regulation of muscle function of tea pigments, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2093327. 
29.   Huang, Y.,# Wei, Y.,# Xu, J., Wei, X.* (2022) A comprehensive review on the prevention and regulation of Alzheimer’s disease by tea and its active ingredients. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2081128.
30.   Shao, J.,# Wei, Y.,# Wei, X.* (2022) A comprehensive review on bioavailability, safety and antidepressant potential of natural bioactive components from tea. Food Research International, 158: 111540-111557.
1. 入选斯坦福大学与Elsevier发布全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World’ s Top 2% Scientists 2022)Food Science
2. 入选2021年全球食品科学与技术Top100高产作者
3. 北京市优秀毕业生、北京市优秀毕业论文提名

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