










2015-2019年就读于香港中文大学获分子生物技术博士学位;期间曾赴美国康奈尔大学Boyce Thompson Institute访问学习1年。2019-2021年于香港中文大学和中国科学院华南植物园开展博士后研究。2021年受聘于pg电子官方网站-pg电子娱乐平台 担任课题组长,2022年入选上海市海外高层次人才引进计划。长期从事植物功能基因组学研究,以第一/通讯作者在Nature Communications (2020 & 2022), Molecular Plant, Plant Communications, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology等国际期刊发表研究性论文,其中两篇入选ESI高被引;主持国家级、省部级科研项目5项。担任Frontier in Genetics期刊编委,Genome Biology等高水平期刊审稿人,多次受邀在国际学术大会上做口头报告。主讲本科生课程《生物信息学》,参与研究生课程《表观遗传及基因组调控》教学。



课题组主要利用开发的植物单细胞组合索引ATAC-Seq、原生质体生物素化ChIP-Seq等多项高通量测序创新技术,跨物种多组学分析C4光合可塑性的 遗传(转录因子调控网络)和 表观遗传(组蛋白修饰、DNA甲基化、染色质可及性和染色质互作)调控机制,推动解决如何利用C4光合的高光效特性对现有光合作用系统进行优化或改造的科学问题,同时完善了经济高效规模性的植物单细胞多组学研究体系。 


代表性论文 (†, 共同一作; *, 通讯作者; _, Tu lab成员)


1. Tu, X., Ren, S., Shen, W., Li, J., Li, Y., Li, C., Li, Y., Zong, Z., Xie, W., Grierson, D., Fei, Z., Giovannoni, J., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; Limited conservation in cross-species comparison of GLK transcription factor binding suggested wide-spread cistrome divergence, Nature Communications, 2022, 13:7632

2. Tu, X., Mejía-Guerra, M.K.*, Valdes Franco, J.A., Tzeng, D., Chu, P., Shen, W., Wei, Y., Dai, X., Li, P.*, Buckler, E.S., Zhong, S.*; Reconstructing the maize leaf regulatory network using ChIP-seq data of 104 transcription factors, Nature Communications, 2020, 11:5089

3. Wang, X., Wang, X.*, Sun, S., Tu, X., Lin, K., Qin, L., Wang, X., Li, G.*, Zhong, S.*, Li, P.*; Characterization of regulatory modules controlling leaf angle in maize, Plant Physiology, 2022, 190(1):500-515

4. Ding, Z., Weissmann, S., Wang, M., Du, B., Huang, L., Wang, L., Tu, X., Zhong, S., Myers, C., Brutnell, T.P., Sun Q.*, Li, P.*; Identification of Photosynthesis-Associated C4 Candidate Genes through Comparative Leaf Gradient Transcriptome in Multiple Lineages of C3 and C4 Species, PLOS ONE, 2015, 10:e0140629

② 表观遗传调控

5. Tu, X., Marand, A.P., Schmitz, R.J.*, Zhong, S.*; A combinatorial indexing strategy for low-cost epigenomic profiling of plant single cells, Plant Communications, 2022, 3:100308

6. Dong, P., Tu, X. (共同一作), Chu, P., Lü, P., Zhu, N., Grierson, D., Du, B., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; 3D chromatin architecture of large plant genomes determined by local A/B compartments, Molecular Plant, 2017, 10(12):1497-1509 (ESI高被引)

7. Dong, P., Tu, X. (共同一作), Li, H., Zhang, J., Grierson, D., Li, P.*, Zhong, S.*; Tissue-specific Hi-C analyses of rice, foxtail millet and maize suggest non-canonical function of plant chromatin domains, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2020, 62(2):201-217 (ESI高被引)

8. Dai, X., Tu, X. (共同一作), Du, B., Dong, P., Sun, S., Wang, X., Sun, J., Gang, L., Lu, T.*, Zhong, S.*, Li, P.*; Chromatin and regulatory differentiation between bundle sheath and mesophyll cells in maize, Plant Journal, 2022, 109(3):675-692

9. Sun, A., Yin, C., Ma, M., Zhou, Y., Zheng, X., Tu, X., Fang, Y.; Feedback regulation of auxin signaling through the transcription of H2A.Z and deposition of H2A.Z to SMALL AUXIN UP RNAs in Arabidopsis, New Phytologist, 2022, 236(5):1721-1733

10. Dong, P., Tu, X., Liang, Z., Kang, B., Zhong, S.*; Plant and animal chromatin three-dimensional organization: similar structures but different functions, Journal of Experimental Botany, 2020, 71(17):5119-5128

11. Dai, X., Xu, Z., Liang, Z., Tu, X., Zhong, S., Schnable, J.C.*, Li, P.*; Non‐homology‐based prediction of gene functions in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays), Plant Genome, 2020, 13(2):e20015




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